These are the latest three issues of MADNews - click to read in PDF - if you want to see issues going back to 2010 see our Archive. For issues before that contact the editor
    Shop 01865 391993 / PO 391940
  • Last acceptance of post (to be despatched same day) is 16.45 Mon - Fri and 9.45 Saturday. There is NO post collection on Sunday.
    Free cash & cheque withdrawals and deposits on almost all bank accounts
    The Post Office offers a collection service for parcels from lots of your favourite shops. Just choose Marcham Post Office as your delivery address and you will get a notification when it is here and you can pick it up any time.
    Pay your bills, send your parcels including home shopping returns!
    Now receiving DPD parcels so check if you can have your purchase sent here to collect instead of having to wait in!

    Village Map
  • Download a map of Marcham here

    Now showing the location of our three defibrillators and all the bins as well as bus stops and most of the alleys!

    PCSO for Marcham
  • The PCSO for Marcham is C9323 Rich Osborn. You can call him 07980 924693 or you can phone 101 and follow instructions using his badge number 9323 you can leave a message for him.
    The Neighbourhood Team page

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    MADNews by Post
  • MADNews is delivered free of charge to over 1000 homes, supported by donations and advertising revenue.

    The annual cost of sending out a monthly copy of MADNews to you by post is £15.

    If you would like a copy sent to you, we would be grateful if you can make a contribution to cover the cost.
    Email us for full details on how to pay.
    Jubilee Walks
  • Download a map of Marcham Walks

    With thanks to W Cumber and Son (Theale) Ltd for the lovely Jubilee walks around the village!
    New map NOW available in the shop!

    Yellow Peril
  • Who remembers the Yellow Peril? Back in 1989, a group from Marcham got together to write, perform and film Yellow Peril. It started as a summer holiday project but then just grew, adding actors from all over the village! You may recognise some of the actors, and the tune will stay with you for a while!
    Bartle Frere has remastered the original and produced some interviews in Yellow Peril Remembered on the Bankbuster Productions YouTube channel.
    MADNews Online
  • This website is updated once the latest issue has been published. If you would like to be notified by email when this site is updated, Email the Editor and we will add you to the regular mailing list.
  • Deadline for all submissions to MADNews including articles, notices, reports and advertising: 5pm on the 15th of the preceeding month.
    NB: There is no separate August issue
  • The Editor reserves the right to alter, omit or hold over copy to another issue. The views expressed in the Marcham & District News are not necessarily those of the editorial team, who are all volunteers.
  • Adverts are not endorsed and MADNews makes no guarantees as to accuracy or authenticity.
    We apologise in advance for any errors that may creep into MADNews (online or print), or omissions that creep out - we don't do it on purpose!